Spring Cleaning Writer Challenge


I was tagged by the charming & very talented author H.L. Burke for this springtime challenge! In spite of the fact that I find the idea of spring cleaning reprehensible, here's my post!

1. Dust-bunnies and Plot-bunnies: Reorganize Your Writing Goals (Or Make New Ones)

 My Big Fat Goal is to get my current novel-in-progress into shape so I can query agents and sign with a really great one by the end of 2018! Easy as pie...I wish!

2. Which Stage Are You At? Expound!

a. Remodeling layouts (planning the story)
b. Painting the walls in colorful hues (writing)
c. Polishing the windows and scrubbing the floors and putting flowers in vases (editing)
d. Blueprints (not to the cleaning or remodeling yet… just drawing up plans for the very beginning inklings of a story)
e. Some combination of those things (cleaning out a closet)

As usual, I’m doing  a. and b. at the same time…and a little c.  Which may explain why it takes me so long to write a book!

3. Treasure From the Back of the Closet (Share one to three snippets you love!)

The fever lit on the town of Loughgillan like a flock of Death's own crows, at first perching wherever their talons could grip easily--upon the very old and the very young. And then, the birds seemed to settle anywhere and everywhere.

“Hush, now,” she whispers in her gentle tide voice. “I must be what I am, dear, as much as it pains me to leave you.”
“If I were truly a stork’s child, if I had wings to carry me, I would fly until I found a cure for you. I would fly until my last feather dropped to the earth.”
“I know, sister. Hush, now. Can’t you hear the sea birds’ wings above us? Can you not hear the sailors singing as they unfurl their great sails? Can you not hear the low bellows of the whales speaking to their children in the deepest deep?”
No, I think. I hear nothing but the sound of my heart breaking into one million tiny pieces, each smaller than a singular grain of sand.

3.5. Bonus: Do Some Actual Spring Cleaning of Your Writer Self! (And share a picture!)

Here’s a “spring-like” picture…

As part of this challenge, I hereby tag J.M. Hackman, Sue Fairchild, and Amanda C. Davis! Do as you will, friends!

Here are the rules:


1. Dust-bunnies and Plot-bunnies: Reorganize Your Writing Goals (Or Make New Ones)

2. Which Stage Are You At? Expound!

a. Remodeling layouts (planning the story)
b. Painting the walls in colorful hues (writing)
c. Polishing the windows and scrubbing the floors and putting flowers in vases (editing)
d. Blueprints (not to the cleaning or remodeling yet… just drawing up plans for the very beginning inklings of a story)
e. Some combination of those things (cleaning out a closet)

3. Treasure From the Back of the Closet (Share one to three snippets you love!)

3.5. Bonus: Do Some Actual Spring Cleaning of Your Writer Self! (And share a picture!)

1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Share the picture
3. Answer the questions (naturally…) or even pick and choose which ones you answer
3.5. Tag 3 other writers and inform them that you tagged them (via comment/message/email or hey, even carrier-pigeon or smoke signal; I’m not picky)

Happy Spring, everyone!


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