Prizes and a Party
The Queen Invites You... The countdown is on for the release of The Gingerbread Queen! June 11, 2024 is the big day! Meanwhile, some exciting news for you! The paperback is now available for ore-order here: THE GINGERBREAD QUEEN Now, if you cannot stand the wait, I will be giving away a few free e-copies through my newsletter. Sign up before May 16 if you want to find out more! NEWSLETTER SIGNUP The Queen Shall Indulge in a Party... This image pretty much says it all... but there will be giveaways and maybe a reading and Q&A, if things get wild. I will also be at the Realm Makers Conference in St. Louis in July, selling and signing books. They usually have a book fair open to the public on Saturday evening (July 20 would be this year's date). I will keep you posted! Go forth and read! ~Carrie