10 Reasons to Write Your Novel in November
Why You Ought to Try (and Succeed at) NaNoWriMo This Year Hi! This is a reposting of my very first blog entry, but I think it's timely! So, without further ado, I give you 10 reasons to get cracking on that book you've always wanted to write--and soon ! To prove to yourself that you can do it. Yes, it's a lot of words in a short time, but thousands of people succeed every year. Why not you? Being creative is good for you! Birds sing, trees make fruit, elephants paint (I saw it in the Weekly Reader!)...and they all seem quite content. Seriously, I am sure there is some happy brain chemical involved. There is nothing like spending time with your imaginary friends, making them fall in love, turn into hedgehogs, die of consumption, etc. If no one else in your life cheers you on in your writing endeavors, the folks at NaNoWriMo will! There are plenty of forums on their website where you can find like-mind...