Happy March, St. Patrick's Day & Spring!
Happy St. Patrick's Day ! ☘ Hello there! Are you excited about springtime's imminent arrival? I certainly am. My yard is all a-twitter with little birds and soon there will be cheery daffodils and blossoming forsythia to bring color to the winter-dulled garden. As we're waiting for all that, here's a fun little video. Please share it with your leprechaun-loving friends. And...if you haven't signed up for my newsletter, please click on over to that section of the blog and pop your name in the box. You'll get a free short story, and every month I'll have some kind of unique giveaway. Also, it's the best way to keep up with my newest projects and to find out where I'll be. ☘ Saol fada agus breac-shláinte chugat! (Long life and fair health to you!) ~Carrie P.S. If you haven't read The Gold-Son, the Kindle edition is on sale for $.99 through 3/31/22. Click here!