
Showing posts from September, 2014

Meet My Character: Clara Amsell

  Welcome to the hop! No, it's not a fifties-themed dance. It's a blog hop--a kind of virtual field trip in which authors introduce you to a character from their work. But you can dance if you want to!   First of all, I'd like to thank the talented Rysa Walker for inviting me to participate. Rysa was the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award grand prize winner in 2013, and she has been extremely kind and helpful to me since I won the 2014 ABNA Young Adult category. Her YA book Timebound is a fun and thrilling read--and the sequel Time's Edge will be available in October. Rysa's "Meet the Character" blog entry ( and more about her & her books) can be found here: Twitter: @RysaWalker And Clara!     1) What is the name of your char...