
Showing posts from 2017

Book Trailer for The Gold-Son!

Happy New Year to you!   It's been an exciting year with the book's release, signings, and interviews! I'm pleased that so many readers have enjoyed Tommin and Eve's story, and I look forward to creating more stories for you in 2018!  I'm also thrilled that the audiobook was chosen by Audiofile Magazine as one of the year's best for teens!  See their review here:  The Gold-Son, narrated by Gerard Doyle Wishing you every good thing in the new year and beyond! Thanks for reading! ~Carrie   

The 12 Fantasy Fiction Foods of Christmas (and the Rest of the Year)

12 Novel Treats I'd Like to Eat One of the things I enjoy in a good book is learning what the characters love (or hate) to eat. Who wouldn't want to feast with Hobbits or sample Willy Wonka's peculiar sweets? As a writer, I love feeding my characters interesting dishes--some real (such as the hot grape pudding in The Mermaid's Sister) and some imaginary (like the horrid, squishy, gray, mushroom bread toast served by the leprechauns in The Gold-Son). Just for fun, here's a list of 12 foods (and drinks) from books that I'd like to sample (in no particular order). From the Grimm Brothers' Hansel and Gretel: the little house "built of bread and covered with cakes," with "windows...of clear sugar." Note: check for lurking witch before sampling. From The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien: Elvish lembas or way bread, "more strengthening than any food made by M en," and "better than...honey-cakes." F...

The Gold-Son News

Launch Party and Beyond Hi, all! I thought I'd share some photos from the launch party we had for The Gold-Son on June 30th. The James V. Brown Library of Williamsport, PA kindly allowed us to use their beautiful media room for our enchanted woods-themed festivities. A Leprechaun showed up for the party, courtesy of Dad's Garage Art. Thanks, Wayne Parfitt! Pot o' gold cupcakes sprouting rainbows, and other goodies! Bat cookies in honor of our Faerie-bat friend Copper Meringue mushrooms, chocolate mushrooms, shamrock cookies, forest berries... The author read aloud and then gave out fabulous prizes! Yes, I wanted to show off my cute dress. Author & her wonderful husband--who gave her the shiny tree. Not part of the party--but amazing gifts my publisher sent me to celebrate the book's release. Skyscape is the best!  Also...great news! Audiofile Magazine gave the audio book their Earphones Award for outstanding audio book...

New Book Excitement & a Giveaway

The Gold-Son is coming soon!   It's finally June & the release of The Gold-Son is mere weeks away as I write this! I've started preparations for the fantastic launch party I'll be having at the James V. Brown Library on Friday, June 30th. We're going to have lovely snacks at this enchanted forest themed party, as well as a book signing, prizes, and a reading from the book! I hope you can join us!     In celebration of the release, I will be giving away a signed copy of the novel. To enter the drawing, follow me on Twitter (@noblebat) or Instagram (@carrieannenoble7) and post your favorite Irish quote or image (but please keep it clean, kids!). Be sure to tag your post with #thegoldson. My leprechaun friends will help me select a favorite, and I'll announce the winner July 1st.  May the luck of the Irish be with you!     In other VERY exciting news, an excerpt from The Gold-Son will be featured in the June 2017 issue of Deep Magic...

20 Witty Irish Sayings to Warm (or Chill) Your Heart

Irish Blessings, Curses, & Wisdom   In honor of the upcoming June 2017 release of my novel The Gold-Son (which features Irish characters, lore, and settings), I offer you a collection of Irish sayings—some sweet, some humorous, and a few downright nasty (things an ornery leprechaun might say!). Enjoy!       Wisdom & Good Wishes 1. May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty. 2. Enough is as good as a feast. 3. There's no need to fear the wind if your haystacks are tied down. 4. God is good, but never dance in a small boat. 5. It's no use carrying an umbrella if your shoes are leaking. 6. A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea. 7. May the frost never afflict your spuds. May the outside leaves of your cabbage always be free from worms. May the crow never pick your haystack, and may your donkey always be in foal. 8. May I see you old and grey and combing out your grandchildren's hair. 9. May the grass grow long on the r...

Five Book Recommendations (and Another Thing or Two)

Novels for Your TBR List   Here's a shocking confession: I read A LOT of books. Also (and sometimes unfortunately), I rarely read a book anymore without critiquing and editing every page in my head--so there are fewer and fewer books I fall in love with. With that in mind, the following are books I've read lately that I greatly enjoyed. I think these are all considered Young Adult novels, and each has some fairy tale or folk tale qualities. The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge The Bear and the Nightingale b y Katherine Arden Egg and Spoon by Gregory Maguire A Green and Ancient Light by Frederic S. Durbin The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (not a recent "new read" technically, but one I like to reread now and then because I love this book!) In other news...   Here's a lovely review of The Gold-Son (from Goodreads), written by a teen reader who read an advance copy.    " If you want to read a fantastical novel, I promise you, this is t...

Have you seen this cover???

Here it is! I am thrilled to share this gorgeous cover with you!  Like the cover for The Mermaid's Sister , The Gold-Son 's cover was designed by the ridiculously talented M.S. Corley.   You can see more of his work here: The Art of M.S. Corley     Everything on the cover represents something in the story, so when you read it, you might want to play a little game of "I Spy." For more about The Gold-Son and to pre-order the book (which comes out June 20, 2017), click here: The Gold-Son on Amazon