
Showing posts from 2018

Away with the Fairies

Away with the Fairies, or What Happens in November The British have an expression, “away with the fairies,” which according to the Oxford Dictionary means “ giving the impression of being mad, distracted, or in a dream world.” Which pretty much describes me on a typical November day as I’m pecking away at the keyboard writing 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) . Now, this isn’t a bad thing. My madness is typically expressed in a tendency to giggle at my own jokes—and not my main symptom. “In a dream world” is more of the definition I fall into as I live and breathe my characters’ lives intensely for hours each day, laughing and crying with them as they struggle, grow, suffer, or fall in love. The experience is surreal and satisfying. If you’re a non-writer, imagine having a movie playing in your mind all day long—and playing all the roles. Weird and wonderful stuff. And when I come back from being “with the fairies,” I feel changed. If you e...

Autumn News

Book News & Book Fest Hello, all!   Thanks for stopping by!  I've been working very hard all summer (and early fall) to finish my newest story, and the exciting news is that I'm only a chapter or two from typing THE END.  I've enjoyed writing this one very much, and look forward to sharing it with you soon. Hint: It contains elements of The Three Bears and Cinderella, and it's set in the future.    If you're a Pennsylvania person, you might want to visit me at the Wellsboro BookFest on October 13. Wellsboro (which ranks in the Best Small Towns to See Fall Foliage ) is home to the famous Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, so you could take a hike to enjoy nature's glories after doing your book shopping. By the way, if you're an Amazon Prime member, The Gold-Son is currently included in the Prime Reading Program, so you can read all about my clever but nasty Leprechauns for free. Be sure to leave a review if you do. Reviews are the...

Summer News

The Latest... Hi!  I hope you're enjoying summertime! Mine has had its major ups and downs. The good news is my family survived a horrific car crash on the way home from camping on Assateague Island last month. We were hit head-on by a distracted driver. (Please don't text and drive!) Still achy from that (fractured ribs, ugh), but so grateful my husband and kids were only bruised a bit and not killed.  On a more festive note, This happened!      I'm thrilled to have a piece of flash fiction featured in this very pretty magazine. It's about the Dwarf you might think of as Dopey. You can get it on Amazon or here: Splickety June 2018 If you're in Pennsylvania for the Central PA Festival of the Arts, come & see me at BookFest PA , in the authors' tent behind the Schlow Library, on July 14. More info can be found here:  BookfestPA Enjoy the rest of your summer, and please drive very carefully! 

Spring Cleaning Writer Challenge

Hi! I was tagged by the charming & very talented author H.L. Burke for this springtime challenge! In spite of the fact that I find the idea of spring cleaning reprehensible, here's my post! 1. Dust-bunnies and Plot-bunnies: Reorganize Your Writing Goals (Or Make New Ones)   My Big Fat Goal is to get my current novel-in-progress into shape so I can query agents and sign with a really great one by the end of 2018! Easy as pie...I wish! 2. Which Stage Are You At? Expound! a. Remodeling layouts (planning the story) b. Painting the walls in colorful hues (writing) c. Polishing the windows and scrubbing the floors and putting flowers in vases (editing) d. Blueprints (not to the cleaning or remodeling yet… just drawing up plans for the very beginning inklings of a story) e. Some combination of those things (cleaning out a closet) As usual, I’m doing   a. and b. at the same time…and a little c.   Which may explain why it takes me so long...

Podcast Fun & More

Hi, all! I recently had the thrilling opportunity to be a guest on the fun Indie Book Magic Podcast, hosted by Janeen Ippolito and H.L. Burke (who are both great spec fiction writers as well!). Listen here or on iTunes: In other news, I will be at the Williamsport Comic Con on April 22 with my books!  This is my first comic con and I'm really looking forward to it! Here's a link to more info: Keep reading & happy spring! ~Carrie