A Tale of Two Leprechauns

It's no blarney...

Right before I packed to go to Philadelphia for the 2016 Realm Makers Conference last week (more on that below), I sent the completed manuscript of my leprechaun novel to my editor. It was a proud and terrifying moment, as any writer could tell you. The leprechaun and I have been an item for almost five years now. We've broken up numerous times, only to make up and start over. So, here's hoping the luck of the Irish will be with me--and that the publisher says they'd like to give me a pot of gold to publish the novel.
In other leprechaun (and mermaid) news, the Realm Makers Conference was amazing! The conference is designed for "people of faith who love speculative fiction" (fantasy, science fiction, horror, & thriller genres). One of the highlights was the yearly costumed awards banquet. Dressed as a leprechaun (heaven knows I love any excuse to put on a costume!), I received top honors in the Young Adult novel category and went on to win the first ever Realm Award for Speculative Novel of the Year for The Mermaid's Sister. Judges included renowned and respected authors Kathy Tyers, Tosca Lee, and Jeff Gerke. Needless to say,  my heart is still aglow! You can find out about the other award winners here: https://faithandfantasyalliance.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/realm-makers-2016-award-winners/
Next year's conference will be held in Reno. Check it out here: http://www.speculativefaith.com/news/ted-dekker-headline-realm-makers-2017-reno/

Now, to begin the next novel....I'm thinking there might be a changeling involved.
Carrie Anne Noble impersonating a leprechaun, with lovely author Kathy Tyers

*Thanks to author Susan Lower for the top and bottom photos!*


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