It's February!

Very exciting newsletter news

Guess what! I've finally launched my official newsletter! If you subscribe, you'll get a free short story. After that, I'll send you issues of The Persnickety Hedgehog Gazette once a month. The newsletter is the best way to keep up with my book news--and there will be some fun giveaways! 

Keep reading and stay cozy! See you soon! 




P.S. The Peddler's Reward, a little e-book of two adventure-filled stories about O'Neill from The Mermaid's Sister, is free on Kindle from February 16th to 20th, 2022. Click here!

P.P.S. It's free all the time if you're a Kindle Unlimited subscriber. Yay!

P.P.P.S. I just love that O'Neill. Sigh...




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